​Contact Us: 1-877-BILLS-11​
Community Credit
Counseling Corp.
Non Profit 501(C)(3) Corporation
Community Credit Counseling Corp. offers credit counseling and debt management programs to consumers throughout the United States. It is our mission to help individuals and families become debt free through education and counseling. Established in 1998, Community Credit Counseling Corp. is a Licensed, Bonded and Accredited Non-profit (501)(c)(3) Organization.
Our certified credit counselors are familiar with various financial programs, so they may guide you to little known sources for help. They may also help you realize immediate savings by helping you to reduce expenses or lower interest rates on some of your bills.
Our established relationships with America’s major lenders permit us to negotiate attractive benefits for you, thereby providing an alternative to bankruptcy and enabling you to regain control of your financial situations.
Community Credit Counseling Corp. is really an investment in your financial future. Our expertise will provide you a chance to become debt free.

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BBB A+ Review
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A BBB Accredited Business since 5/1/2001
BBB has determined that Community Credit Counseling Corp. meets BBB accreditation standards,