​Contact Us: 1-877-BILLS-11​
Community Credit
Counseling Corp.
Non Profit 501(C)(3) Corporation
Will I continue to get statements from my creditors?
Yes, you will continue to get the same monthly statement that you receive now while enrolled with Community Credit Counseling Corp. It is important that you understand that it is your responsibility to monitor your statements and inform us of any development pertaining to your accounts enrolled in the Debt Management Program.
Be Debt Free through Credit Counseling!
Confused, don’t know were to turn, too many questions regarding your financial situation. Pick up the phone and call Community Credit Counseling Corp. 1–877–BILLS–11. (1-877-245-5711).
We have debt management credit counselors that are professionally trained and certified by the AFCPE. Counselors that are trained to help you evaluate your financial situation. AFCPE is the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education. They are a nonprofit, professional organization dedicated to educating, training, and certifying financial counselors and educators.
When you call to speak to our debt management certified counselors they will help evaluate:
Your current financial situation.
Will perform a complete monthly income and expense budget which includes your current net worth.
Will perform a free no obligation analysis of each of your unsecured debts which will detail your new payment and interest rate to each creditor.
Will provide you with free educational materials regarding budgeting, and checking account management.
Our debt management certified credit counselors are available Monday – Thursday 9am to 6:00pm and Friday to 5:00pm. If you are in need of assistance after those hours or on Saturday or Sunday an appointment can be scheduled.
Click Here for a Free No Obligation analysis of your debt!